Beth Newcomb

Having to plan your sexual activities around the use of a performance aid like Viagra or Cialis can put a damper on things. The P-Shot (priapus shot), available at Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, changes everything.
“Men who have had a good response to drugs that treat erectile dysfunction are perfect candidates for the P-Shot,” says Dr. Laurel Matthews, owner of the practice focused on the remarkable regenerative benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
“Unlike drugs, the P-Shot is natural, is a one-time set of injections and it lasts for up to three years.”
Dr. Laurel draws your blood, spins out the platelets, then injects the super-concentrated PRP into the penis where it can grow new nerve endings and blood vessels so blood flow and sensitivity are restored. The injections are quick and painless and there is no downtime or other medication to take. You can return to normal activities immediately, and, unlike the use of medication prior to sexual activity, nobody has to know you’ve had it done.
It takes about three months for the body to regenerate in the area where PRP is injected, which is when men often find full function has been restored.

Schedule a complimentary consultation by calling 216-245-6682. The office is at 3439 W. Brainard Rd., Suite 107, in Woodmere. Hours are by appointment.