The Shockwave
The Shockwave (Acoustic Pressure Wave) A Revolutionary Approach To ED and Peyronie's

Life is Hard, You Should Be Too℠
SHOCKWAVE is a revolutionary male sexual performance procedure that uses low-intensity sound waves (also referred to as acoustic pressure wave therapy) to improve sexual function in men, even if they suffer from a medical condition such as Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or Peyronie’s disease.
Men of all ages have interest in improving their sexual performance with stronger erections, longer endurance, and a decreased recovery phase after orgasm (downtime). Even men in their 20s and 30s are often looking for a “supercharged” sexual experience. SHOCKWAVE or Acoustic Pressure Wave Therapy is a safe, comfortable and proven procedure for men to optimize sexual performance.
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION (ED) is a type of sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to maintain an erection long enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Symptoms of ED may include: Erections too soft for penetration; Erections too brief for penetration and/or the Inability to achieve erections. SHOCKWAVE is a proven method of treating and curing Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Acoustic pressure wave therapy is a PAINLESS, scientifically proven, non-invasive, series of 20-30 minute treatments using low frequency sound waves to increase blood flow to the penis and optimize erections, sensitivity, and sexual performance.
Shockwave treatment:
Stimulates the release of growth factors in penile tissue, resulting in the generation of new blood vessels;
Breaks up plaque formation in existing blood vessels; and
Activates dormant stem cells, leading to new cell growth.
As a result of significantly improved blood flow to the penis and neural changes; men have stronger, harder and more sustainable erections.
SHOCKWAVE WARNING: DO NOT BUY “SHOCKWAVE” MACHINES ON ALIBABA OR OTHER SITES. These inexpensive devices do not emit sound at the proper frequency and cause cell injury, scar tissue and penile deformity over time. Please seek legitimate medical shockwave therapy if you have erectile dysfunction! It is safe and VERY EFFECTIVE. The efficacy of shockwave for the treatment of ED is established in more than 25 legitimate clinical studies.
Based on a series of more than 45 scientific publications, SHOCKWAVE or Acoustic Pressure Wave Therapy results include a success rate of over 75% in men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Some Things In Life Were Meant To Be Hard℠

Read Dr. Laurel's article "BYE BYE, LITTLE BLUE PILL" on MimiVanderhaven published 11/14/2017 Read "Dr. Laurel's sexual rewind article" on MimiVanderhaven published on 08/25/2017